
I've been collecting ideas for my manga screenplay, but somehow I just could not come up with satisfiying ones. Besides, I also have to prepare for my graduate student life beginning in September ahead, so I have to spend some time practicing translation. I decided to watch some movies, and today I picked this one "Hector and the search for happiness". 

Frankly speaking, the storyline and the plot are just too easy to understand--to the extent of being ordinary and kind of tedious.

The main character, Hector, is a psychiatrist with a wife whose job is to give drugs some funny names. Their lives are tidy and in order.  Never change and never are wanted to be changed. But one day, Hector found he could not make his patients happy anymore, and he himself is not happy, though he always said he's satisfied with his life. He then went on a journey, without companion. 

First stop is China, there he met a rich man who took him to visit several spots in Shanghi, including a night club. At the night club, he met a beautiful girl, who failed to have sex wih him and failed to trick money out of him. Kind of disappointed as he was, he climbed up a mountain and visited a Lama-like old man, who shared with him wise thoughts and asked Hector to skype him and tell him what he learned about happiness.

I don't want to describe all the details here, cause it's unnecessary :)  Just like main characters in all the stories, Hector got to experienced life he had never seen before, and got though all the crises safe and sound. Anyway, too lucky to be true(smile).  But the 15 ways to happiness jotted down by Hector are indeed simple, common, but touching and useful. 

We all have moments that we feel we are stuck in bad emotions, and difficult situations that seem to be never gonna end.  When someone else who's not in there with us say somehting like "It's gonna be alright," it just doesn't feel real. As Hector said at the end of the movie, "we all have the obligation to be happy." If you are not happy, no one can help it, only you can save yourself from unhappiness. (unless you got depression, then go see the shrink! ) If you are not happy, you can't live well, and the other way around, causing vicious cycle. So to spend some time trying to figure out what makes your life stuck and makes you unhappy is very important, for you may get to see what you always have negelacted. 

After all "You have all the cards!" said the Lama.




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